Thinking about the future can cause mixed emotions in young people, ranging from excitement to anxiety. Acknowledging that mixed emotions are a normal part of change, while finding ways to move forward, is fundamental in preparing a young person for the future. In this video clip, young people share their thoughts and emotions about facing the future, including personal stories on ways they were able to manage their fears and anxieties and achieve their goals.
Year level
30 minutes
In class activity
SEL Competencies
Relationship skills
Social awareness
Learning intention
Students recognise the impact that changes in the future can have, and examine practical ways to manage this change.
Key outcomes
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
work together to identify the features of unhealthy and healthy friendships
identify appropriate conversation starters to use in negotiating unhealthy friendships.
Materials needed
The video 'Check out', about the future
Butcher’s paper (one sheet per group)
Marker pens/textas (one per student)
Mapped to
This resource is not mapped to a curriculum.
Activity 1
Chalk Talk
15 minutes
As a class, watch the video clip about the future.
In the video clip, one young person says: ‘When you panic about the future, you stop living in the present.’
Working in groups (3-4 students)
Explain to the students that they will be using Chalk Talk to examine this statement. Chalk Talk is a silent activity that provides an opportunity for every student to share their ideas without being interrupted or judged.
Ask a student from each group to write the statement ‘When you panic about the future, you stop living in the present’ at the top of the group’s sheet of butcher’s paper. Provide each student with a marker pen/texta.
For the next 5 minutes, ask the students to simultaneously and silently write on the butcher’s paper comments and ideas regarding the statement. Encourage the students to add comments, circle key ideas, and draw connecting lines between themes and comments.
At the end of the 5 minutes, invite the students to share their comments and to view the other groups’ completed sheets of paper.
As a class group, identify key themes and ideas that surfaced during this activity.
Activity 2
Case study
15 minutes
In the video clip, a young woman talks about the experience of being a female Muslim studying construction project management and working on a construction site.
Working in groups (3-4 students), discuss:
What feelings would she have experienced on her first day?
What are some of the challenges you would expect her to experience in this workplace?
What benefits would this experience bring to her life?
Discuss 3-4 strategies that she could put in place to help manage this change.
Change and challenge are a normal part of the growing-up experience for young people. When experiencing change, it can be helpful for young people to take the time to reflect on the positive and negative impacts the change will have on their life. Knowing some practical strategies that can be used to manage this change can also be helpful.